Before our little Leila was born I had already made the decision to cloth diaper. I made the decision for many reasons. The thought of all the disposable diapers that go into landfills a year is disturbing and I like that I am helping to decrease that number even just by a little bit. Financially, I think it's a good decision as I have yet to have to buy a pack of disposables. Lastly, I like that it is better on Leila's skin. We used newborn disposables (they were given to us) the first 3 weeks til she could fit in her One Size cloth diapers. Her skin was so red and I constantly had to put Aquaphor on her diaper area until I started using cloth. Now, on to why I love my Bumgenius'.
On the left is a Bumgenius. On the right is a Lotus Bumz. There are two things I Love about BG. The PUL is extended into the top interior of the diaper as you can see in the pic above, unlike the lotus bumz that have the fleece extending all the way to the top seam. Because these are pocket diaper I stuff 2 microfiber inserts inside. Once the diaper is stuffed the fleece in the Lotus Bumz ALWAYS folds over the top. When the fleece front the diaper touches her clothes wicking occurs and pee gets on her clothes. The PUL fabric across the top of the BG keeps this from occurring. The other thing I like about BG better than my others are the butterfly snap closures.
The butterfly snaps make for a better fit and easier to put on as opposed to the wings on other diapers like on this LB bellow
That is 8 snaps you have to close on a wiggly baby. And you can notice the fleece poking over the top.
So, rave over! I love Bumgenius!
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